Transition Phase - Year 9 & Year 10

​​​​​​​​​The 'Transition Phase' of learning at Unity College is characterised by the transitional development in student learning pathways from a compulsory engagement in all areas of the curriculum to increasing student choice via the blend of core and elective study programs. This developmental phase provides students with their first opportunity to specialise in their learning exploration whilst still being exposed to the full breadth of the Australian Curriculum. Movement through the transitional years is focused on the development of skills for success as highly independent, assessment capable learners ready for the rigour and complexity of senior study. It is also a period of personal development that sees these developing adolescents develop a deeper sense of self identity, personal aspiration, questioning of the world around them and sharpening of focus towards individualised goal sets, ambitions and future pathway awareness.

In Year 9, students continue to study all core areas of the Australian Curriculum and Religion but have the opportunity to elect from a selection of conceptually focused units of work within The Arts, Technologies and Languages curricula. Year 10 sees the next progression in student elective specialisation with additional selectivity within the Sciences, Humanities and Physical Education fields of study. The program design and elective opportunities within this phase are ultimately structured to facilitate student discovery of their personal gifts, talents, strengths, limitations and personal learning preferences as a platform for making informed senior pathway decisions.

As with all three of our secondary phases, the pastoral design of our Transition Phase is structured to ensure continuity of the Year Level Leader over the two-year growth of the students and, when possible, retain the pastoral care student groupings and teacher allocations to foster the development of relationships where each student is authentically 'known'. The benefits of this are evident when our Year 10 students complete their Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) with pastoral and academic guidance around their abilities, interests and ambitions. The plan is finalised by the end of Year 10 and is agreed between the student, their parents and the school. At this time, students are also registered and a learning account with the Queensland Studies Authority is opened. The learning account records details of learning and results of any completed studies. Students are able to access their learning account through the Career Information Service website (see the weblink for this source below).

Our Transition Phase Leadership Team can be contacted via the following email addresses:

Publications and Handbooks​
Please click the below links to download our recent handbooks.


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© Brisbane Catholic Education, Unity College (2024)